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Julia perez, rocking hot and hot photo scene with a condom

In this video julia perez divide the basin with a free ..., the following impressions from Global TV, some of these pictures do look hot and deliberately paraded by Julia Perez, especially with the song Broken Duren.

Here are some comments of people who had seen action Julia Perez:

oh wonder deh,, where the hell are not cewe plasticity want beautiful, sexy and any man who does not want to look pretty and sexy girls ... GOOD LUCK JUPE deh, do not do what you do not like ... if you guys happy with. what have you done, why not.
if you can just let the same person you jelouse added. ;) Peace, from Amsterdam

Condoms are not slowing population growth, and pressing (not 100% prevent) the percentage of transmission of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Should be socialized, sex outside marriage is not good but if it happens it should always be ready and wear a condom. Every time. Invariably

Divide the condom is wrong? dolt basic, free condoms so that's good ... can to ngeprevent HIV or other diseases is not 100% but 99%. but it is still possible contagious venereal disease chancenya to be lower. HELP YOURSELF about sex education further. seseorg sexual orientation as it can differentiate their careers. now gay people can not really lead the country? u / led the country's people who know about the issues of Globalization

What anti-pornography law ..
now officials who had affair and girls also play a lot of her case?
not really friends? fix yourself first-moral moral government,, just talk ..
Essentially if an issue with pornography, we become the person is not ngeres .. moreover also not possible if all people have to use protective clothing .. lontong indeed ..

tawdry and old-fashioned long deh .. Indonesian government anyway it was sold and the purpose of condoms to prevent sexual transmitted diseases you ..
come on .. This year in 2009 .. now if you want to talk about this, like this. 50% of Indonesian teens may have had sex outside of marriage .. maybe you. so gratuitous ass-ass good .. better open than closed-lid.
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