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Commission II: Budget Should Physical Education 5 Percent

BINTAN, News Friend: The Commission insists on the development of Bintan DPRD II physical facilities and educational facilities pre Bintan in 2012 is budgeted Rp 8 billion or 5 percent from 20 percent budget Bintan. The fund is much larger than the proposed Department of Education, Youth and Sports (Dispora) which only amounted to Rp1 billion. The...

SKPD Performance Evaluated

BINTAN, News Friend: Towards the closing years, the Regent and Vice Regent of Bintan evaluate the performance SKPD in his cabinet. In the evaluation carried out at the office of Bintan BAPPEDA Tuesday (13/12), Ansar Ahmad and Khazalik assess the work programs undertaken SKPD. On occasion, the Ansar Ahmad asked SKPD all there is to immediately complete...

Packaging House International Market Test. Cracker Atomic Translucent Sanghai

BINTAN, News Friend: Packing House or packing house Bintan will try to test the international market. One that will be realized that Shanghai and Macao. To both cities located in China, the Packing House will send (export) of some types of food products as well as small and medium craft. Such as crackers atoms, bleary-rolls, as well as crafts made...

Labour Farmer Wants Land

WACOPEK, News Friend: Wednesday (28/12) afternoon and then, dozens of men and women who are farm workers in a vegetable oil that is in Wacopek, District of Mount Galangal, visible vegetable harvesting. They claim to hope there is land to develop plantations in order to increase household income. One of his farm workers, Jumarno (36) express, in a...

Category of family planning and health. Best Mountain Galangal PKK Kepri

BINTAN, News Friend: Galangal PKK Mountain Village, District East Bintan PKK was selected as the best in the category of family planning and health levels Riau Islands Province. Predicate is given bersempena National Mother's Day some time ago. Chairman of the Mount Lengkukas TP PKK, Reni Yuliani Shukri said, there are some indicators that the PKK...