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Commission II: Budget Should Physical Education 5 Percent

BINTAN, News Friend: The Commission insists on the development of Bintan DPRD II physical facilities and educational facilities pre Bintan in 2012 is budgeted Rp 8 billion or 5 percent from 20 percent budget Bintan. The fund is much larger than the proposed Department of Education, Youth and Sports (Dispora) which only amounted to Rp1 billion.

The total budget for the physical development of the educational facilities includes the construction of new classrooms (RKB) SMP Rp3, 1 billion, RKB for elementary level of Rp1, 8 billion, the assembly room of Rp937 million teachers, school construction fence for Rp653, 2 million , the construction of paving blocks for Rp256, 8 million and other development valued at Rp1, 49 billion. Development will be implemented uniformly in 10 districts in Bintan.
Chairman of Commission II of the Parliament of Bintan, Zulkifli Spd convey, pre-development facilities and infrastructure is budgeted in 2012 is a development that are urgent, in accordance with what is in the list are owned Disdikpora Bintan.
"But the service (Dikpora) does not include them in the use of budget funds for reasons that have not enough. It's irrelevant, "Zulkifli said in his office on Monday (5 / 12) yesterday.
Because deemed irrelevant to this Commission II at the meeting to discuss the education budget with Department of Public Works, Sunday (4 / 12) persisted Development facilities and pre-education facilities should remain held. The discussion is said to have been the final Democratic politician and the recommendations were presented to the Chairman of the Parliament of Bintan to then be discussed at the Budget Agency.
Zulkifli hoped the proposed recommendations can be realized. Dikatakanya also, ideally pre-development facilities and educational facilities are still budgeted with the same amount (5 percent from 20 percent of the budget) in the coming year.
"It means we will be safe. Mempeributkan no longer a matter of means and pre-education facilities, "he said.
Looking ahead, Zulkifli hope Disdikpora concern makes planning data base to make better educational programs.
"What makes a good plan if the data base just is not there," he said.
Separately, Chairman of Commission III of the Parliament of Bintan, King Miskal say, other than pre-development facilities and means of education, the year 2012 will also be carried forward meubeler procurement and provision of incentives to teachers who are in Bintan.
"How much amount will be discussed," he said. (Ame)
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