Ali Basa, fishermen are still fairly close friend Yusri suffered stab wounds on the left leg and suffered injuries serious enough dibangian body. The story begins on Friday (9 / 12) last week. At around 13:00 pm, Yusri and Ali met at their place of residence in Kampung Kuala Lumpur, Deer. At that time Ali Yusri provide information to the tongue if his wife had an affair with another man.
Hearing these words, Ali Basa not accept. Fights the argument stems from continued physical fights. Ali Yusri strangling tongue and pushed to the wall. Abuse is not acceptable Yusri. He then fought.
Well, when the fight occurred, Yusri suddenly issued sebilah sharps and attacked Ali. Inevitably, Ali tongue underwent stab wounds on his left leg. In the fight that Ali became the butt. Not only attacked with a knife, Yusri also blindly beat Ali with a broti.
In short the fight was finally completed after dilerai citizens. Less satisfied, Yusri Police visited the East Bintan. He reported maltreatment did Ali. Police also received reports provided Yusri. However, after studying the case, it was Ali who is considered as victims. Especially in the fight Yusri menngunakan sharp weapons and broti.
As a result, police are then make an arrest of these fishermen. Kanit Criminal Police East Bintan, Ipda Efendri Ali explained, Yusri snared with article 351 of the Criminal Code which regulates persecution. (Ame)