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SKPD Performance Evaluated

BINTAN, News Friend: Towards the closing years, the Regent and Vice Regent of Bintan evaluate the performance SKPD in his cabinet. In the evaluation carried out at the office of Bintan BAPPEDA Tuesday (13/12), Ansar Ahmad and Khazalik assess the work programs undertaken SKPD.

On occasion, the Ansar Ahmad asked SKPD all there is to immediately complete all course work before the close of calendar 2011. The SKPD also asked to immediately make a better program in 2012.

"I hope SKPD make the program better, the more the public interest," he said.

Meanwhile, in the evaluation, Vice Regent, Khazalik looks more carefully at the physical and financial statements are reported throughout SKPD. All SKPD emphasized to promptly report the results of financial activities and in the middle of this month.

Problem evaluation SKPD cabinet first year-Khazalik Ansar leadership, some time ago never mentioned Ansar Ahmad did not rule there will be a shift or change of job positions. Shift or change is mainly done on the head or the head of the agency has assessed the performance is not good or have a program that does not fit with the vision and mission of Bintan regency government. (Ame)
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