Desmond Goh. Tanjungpinang gentleman born 42 years ago it was recorded as the only descendant of ethnic Thionghoa as N 1 Tanjungpinang high school student in 1984. However, Desmond is active in various school activities: as a caretaker Osis and also in extracurricular activities available. All that he did in between activities to teach English in private.
From school after winning it, Desmond decided to go to Singapore decided to deepen her knowledge of English have. About 5 months there, Desmond returned to Tanjungpinang. He had moved a few moments to Batam and never got an offer as assistant manager at a company in Batam that while it is being developed. But he rejected the offer. Desmond would prefer to walk in the path of education despite family opposition.
Gathered little by little money from teaching courses, juggle their homes so it is more convenient to perform the learning process. After so long, the house in Lorong 4 Fish Market which had been leaked when it rained, turned into a permanent building 2 floors. The year was 1990. Desmond then officially opened an English language educational institution which dinamaiknya ESC.
After a dozen years bertengkus lumus, Desmond went on to establish a private educational institute, later named Pelita favorite Archipelago. This is because of his desire that the world of education Tanjungpinang no different from other regions. Batam for example.
There I saw a lot of private school favorite. But how Tanjungpinang? "He said.
Now, after 22 years bertengkus lumus in the world of education, Desmond felt his dedication was not enough for this hometown. Alumni SMAN 1 joined in Team 7 Establishment of the Autonomous City of Tanjungpinang wants to do more.
Not in the political world. I will remain focused on education, "he said.
However, in a way, Desmond pleaded not a little sharp pebble. Many of the barriers that sometimes make him broke and decided to move intends to seek abroad. Australia for example. And lately, the hot wind hit back Desmond. He was buffeted by the news which he said as character assassination attempt.
Desmond is now like so warm conversation at the coffee shop, especially among ethnic Thionghoa. That he had run Rp75 billion bauxite mine donated by government designation. He also called deliberate move to Australia to escape because the wound a lot of debt for his efforts. Top news, Desmond membatahnya. Here's an interview at his residence along Jalan POSMETRO Wiratno, Thursday (22/12):
Currently your name often used to talk about. That you called mine bauxite levy money run by a third party. What is your response?
I feel this is an effort that is not good for cornering, drop me who I do not know by whom. But if this is an attempt to drop me for political purposes, this is the wrong target because I have no ambition in politics. This will be my take only silver lining. Hopefully this becomes a trigger my spirit to do better again. I do not give up to keep doing for Tanjungpinang.
You are also reportedly more often abroad, to Australia. It was called as an attempt to avoid the debt business you have?
(Ha ha ha laugh) Even if I have debt, yes I can confirm. But not to someone. There are quite a lot of my debt. But the debt to the bank. And if any of my debt to someone, people love menghutangkan to me. In prinsifnya, an entrepreneur is not the employer if it has no debt. And debt was common for employers because employers tend to use more bank loans. Problem I ran into Australia called for debt, it is not true. Actually I got a little disappointed.
Every business that I do, sometimes I think is a problem and got the opposition. Frankly I actually want to live in Australia, opening a business there. And even if I called a debt, I do not believe it. I have a lot of effort and relationships abroad. So sometimes I feel desperate. For what I do for this city.
So until now you give up to do to Tanjungpinang?
Oh no. I still will do my best. I have many plans for this city.
You are known quite widely by the public. Do you have the intention to go into politics?
Ho ho .. no no .. no. I'm sure until now I have no intention at all to it. I want to live quietly with his family. Comfortable with my efforts. I emphasize again not. I will remain focused on education. I will even make Pelita School archipelago that I built it so Tanjungpinang assets if I am already dead. My wife took the child may be a business, home or else I have. But the school did not .***
Bisnis Ekonomi
16 years ago