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There is more practice on the driving range during these months and the long nights to learn the rules of the club house.

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Courses take place every weekend since April 10 and can be ordered alone or as an arrangement including hotel accommodation.

Bid consists of 17 hours of training with a golf course experienced instructors. Golf swing, long and short game, chipping and putting as well as tactical elements thus learning first - all one needs to enjoy the first round. Training balls and starter kit with golf gloves, tees, ball markers and a book of rules is also included in the price.

German fastest Schloss Lüdersburg proficiency certificate costs 239 Euros for a single course. Bids deal with two nights including breakfast plus free use of wellness area can be ordered as of 367 Euro.

Latest ideas in Schloss Lüdersburg: there is a weekend intensive courses as: "For Women only" offer available for a weekend in May, June and August. During that time the course is provided only for women who want to quickly perform well in the field.

This would also cost 239 Euros and include all services "Germany's fastest golf proficiency certificate".

The taxi driver Virgin Enjoying SR

Batam: Before untouchable, dicumbu, and forced to serve men of style by a man who had membokingnya, SR virginity forcibly taken away by a taxi driver. Here's a plain narrative part of the SR when he was thrown into the arms of a smooth operator:

Thursday (7 / 1) earlier, SR runaways admitted after told to care for his adopted brother. Teenagers who have started puberty was also defiant. "I want to place on Batuaji friend," he said.
By using the services of a taxi, SR was intended to go to her friend's house. Confessing not know the way, SR submitted when the taxi driver brought the known properties characterized by short hair.

Short was meeting with the taxi driver, but SR just obedient when he told her she did not know it took a pill. "I just ordered a drink, do not know why," he admitted innocent.
Not long after pressing the pink pill, the SR was feeling dizzy. "Keep it rolling Abang loud music," he said. As he heard the music, even though SR 'enjoy' the trip.

Until finally, between the conscious and did not, he was invited to enter a hotel room. In the room that he tilled. Once realized, the whole body feels pain, including his genitals. Blood was spilled.
Staggered, SR was working out of the hotel that he knows named Hotel 99. In the park, he tried to find a motorcycle taxi drivers for a ride home. Not shown, the motorcycle taxi drivers are actually bringing SR into an inn, and introduced him to Alfha.

Introduction to the 'mom' is what makes young SR serves a number of men fall masher. Not only serve the stale smell of the earth already, but the SR was also forced to serve men aged 20 years. "I can no money at all," I SR. In fact, during that fucked, SR could not refuse because of the influence of the devil pill.

Good fortune was still in SR. Finally, he again will be tilled by a man. It's just that, a man who worked as a taxi driver was immediately taken aback when reunited with SR. He believed, SR is a junior girl who was reported missing by his parents.

At that time, the taxi driver was trying to bury libido. He did not want to get caught by the noose of law because he dated a girl who would it was a minor who ran away from her parents. As a result, the taxi driver was too good beritikat SR drive home. Maybe this is the provision of the taxi driver, night-night drive home SR, as gratitude, SR parents could give money to the taxi driver.

Until this story was written, the police still hunt for other suspects namely taxi driver who first enjoyed a virgin sacrifice. (Chi)

Junior high school students who prostituted Batuaji

SR not Want to School Again

BATAM, METRO: the tragic fate of SR (16), junior high youth in Batuaji sold as prostitutes to a number of a smooth start of his family disharmony. Parents who are separated to grow into a teenager SR less attention. This past year, SR stay in Batam with her mother and stepfather. "Well, what's so good," this is a cynical phrase that came out of the SR when asked about her birth mother, yesterday afternoon.

Nearly one-hour interview Posmetro school girls who were in class III. Teen found in Shelter, Children, and Women Poltabes Tema, SR yesterday began to look cheerful. "Usually he often stared. His view is empty, "said Sri, Shelter staff Barelang Poltabes PPA. Police today also still waiting for the autopsy report of a doctor. Concern, because it digauli, SR could be pregnant. The problem, doctors predict, as again in digauli SR-fertile fertile period as a woman.

SR admitted trauma. In fact, he himself no longer going to school. "If it's fate that, like let alone," he said with a tone of resignation. He may not understand fully when he touched a number of a smooth operator. What he remembered, there was a musty-moldy took him to the hotel room. Furthermore, he was told to swallow pills. After that, "I have a headache," he said.

And so on every time he had been sent to serve his lady-killer who was paid to a broker, Alfha (25). Now, Alfa was already a suspect. Only, this woman was still in jail prisoner because of the suspension. (Chi)

Wife Incest with Other Men I Police Report Singpura stale

BATAMKOTA, METRO: Nine years of fostering households, it does not mean life partner DK (60) and NES (31) escaped from the tempest. Half the difference in age range, plus the presence DK often in Singapore, triggering shock family ark. NES, a woman from a legitimate Blitar married, allegedly having an affair with another man's dream (PIL) to have momongan. Really?
The scandal that surfaced after DK, sweaty from his country's Lee Kuan Yeow complain to the police, Saturday (16/11) afternoon.

DK who live in Housing addresses Greenland, Kelurahan Teluktering, came to the police station as proof of marriage certificate and pointed her philandering with another man. Then, in the ministry's police nan, DK unravel the history of the household.

Narrated DK, Thursday (22 / 1) in 2001, he and the NES was officially married in KUA Krembangan, Surabaya, then they settled in Greenland Housing, Batamkota. Then, on Wednesday (23 / 7) in 2003, DK bought a house in Batam Citra Complex in cash Phase I diatasnamakan wife, NES.

Monday (19 / 6) in 2006, DK develops investment by buying one unit of shophouse in Complex Greenland diatasnamakan wife, NES, by way of credit through banks and approved a famous notary in Batam. Well, a few years later, around January 2009, DK began to see a change in his wife. NES in the view show started being unfaithful behavior. Coupled with the many reports received by DK, who mentions NES often go out with another man.

However, the pouring side information about his football exploits, when it was ignored even DK. He could not believe when she dared to do so in the back, because DK confident with NES loyalty. However, the last few months NES known to often not return home, and DK had already tried to find out whereabouts. DK until heard, that his wife was at home with complex affair in Citra Batam.

Even a surprise anymore, NES is known to have had children from his relationship with a man's affair. To strengthen its complaint to the authorities, DK includes several witnesses, including a chairman of RT in complex images such Batam. And until the case is continuing to police, NES is still cited as the mistress's house. Now cases of alleged adultery had been handled Tema Poltabes apparatus. (You)

2 break-sandra beautiful maid I Celurit robbery gang helper

Sandra break-helper 2

PINANG, METRO: Two masked robbers in action in a house behind Hanaria, Km 11, Jalan Ganet. Body binding assistant principals in the house, brandishing bayonets and celurit. Executors and tackle 1 laptop, 5 hp unit, and a Sony brand wacth game is all worth Rp28 million.

According to homeowners, Sukarsih (46), robbery incident that he experienced Saturday (16 / 1) at around 09.00 am. That morning, around 07.30 pm, he was with her husband and son 16-year-old daughter left home. Sukarsih and her husband went to their place of business in stalls meatballs, while her son left for school.

Who lived in the house there is only Ita (26), their servants. After the Sukarsih, Ita clean the inside of the house, then continue to the next. Sukarsih house was big enough, with three rooms in it. In addition to a large building, the yard was also surrounded by large concrete fence topped a large nail stuck into the ground. Sukarsih and his family had long lived in the house. January 28'll just completed a month.

Sweep unfinished side of the house, Ita thirst. He then went in through the back door, took a cigarette, and then opened the refrigerator. Ita was shocked when the presence of two men who ambushed him. They went half running from the back door. Both were wearing masks. One dress, and another bare-chested.

"Do not mess. Or I kill you, "said one man, imitated Ita, Sunday (17 / 1) yesterday. Ita fear. He was very scary. Ita then forcibly dragged into the room which is located at the rear. There, men who do not wear neck Ita hit three times.
"Here, until now still hurts," Ita said with a slurred voice.

In the room the more ketakkutan Ita. Not because it was hit, but the two men took and bayonets celurit Ita placed above the closet. He resigned only when the two men tied her, brandishing a weapon.

Both hands are usually tied nylon used for the building. Her mouth was gagged, and bound his legs with a cloth. A moment later, a bare-chested actor had left Ita with a principal who raised bayonets fixed. He apparently picked the acting master bedroom and a separate child. About 20 minutes later, the two principals went through the fence behind the door.

When I felt safe, Ita and then shifted her to the kitchen. He took a knife and then he put the tip of the foot-rub and scrape menggikat yarn hand to the knife. "It's long enough.

Is a new half-hour away, "says Ita told me when he managed to untie his hands and feet.
As a result of friction, the two wounded Ita wrist. Sobbing, she then quickly ran to the nearest neighbor's house. "He tried to borrow hape want to contact me. But the neighbors were very confused. In addition to panic, Ita slurred voice, he did not understand, "said Sukarsih.
At around 11:00 pm, Sukarsih arrived at his house. He was surprised to see the bedroom door and her bedroom door open, and the inside a mess. He then urged Ita to explain.

After a quiet, Sukarsih know about what happened. He was later reported the incident to the East Tanjungpinang Polsekta.
The police came to the house Sukarsih identify. (ame)

From there, it was concluded the perpetrators entered the house by way Sukarsih climb the fence. There were piles of wood embedded in the wall to climb diperguanakan perpetrators. (Ame)

Video Mantan Karyawan Mukakuning, Demi sebuah Motor Nekat Terjun dari Jembatan Barelang Batam

Adu Nyali Lompat Jembatan Barelang Batam

Jembatan Barelang I Batam yang masyhur itu, ternyata tak beken karena menjadi tempat wisata dan lokasi bunuh diri saja. Untuk arena bunuh diri, jembatan yang juga beken dengan sebutan Jembatan Habibie itu memang terbilang manjur. Kalau tidak tewas, biasannya korbannya mengalami patah tulang, tenggelam, dan kemudian tewas. Kini, satu lagi “fungsi lain-lain” jembatan yang dibangun di tahun 70-an tersebut. Yakni ajang adu nyali. Egi, seorang pemuda, berani melompat Jembatan I Barelang demi taruhan sebuah motor.

Aksi nekat Egi itu sengaja dibadikan oleh temannya melalui video perekam hape. Dan kini, video berjudul “4du Ny4li! demi mtr” berdurasi 1 menit, 33 detik itu beredar di kalangan pekerja pria di Mukakuning. “Saya dapatnya dari teman,” kata Tri, karyawan PT. Nutune Mukakuning, kemarin.

Dalam rekaman pertama video itu, nampak suasana kiri dan kanan jembatan yang cukup lengang. Tidak ada satu pun kendaraan yang melintas. Hanya ada satu buah mobil Toyota Kijang warna hitam yang sedang terparkir di sisi kanan jembatan. Sedangkan di sisi kirinya, terlihat sekelompok orang yang sedang berdiri di pinggir jembatan. Dan sebuah motor Yamaha Jupiter warna merah yang terparkir dengan standar dua. “Ambil motornya...ambil motornya...” suara dalam rekaman itu. Motor itu lah yang disebut-sebut menjadi pamrih jika Egi berani mempertaruhkan nyawanya terjun ke laut di bawah jembatan.

Gambar seterusnya, terlihat Egi yang mengenakan baju jumper warna biru laut garis-garis putih, dan celana jins biru yang bagian bawah kakinya sedikit basah, tanpa alas kaki. Dalam rekaman itu, Egi terlihat tenang berdiri persis di bibir jembatan selama beberapa detik. Sambil menengok ke kanan dan kiri, serta ke depan Egi nampak mempersiapkan dirinya untuk terjun.

Lalu, jlupp..., tanpa aba-aba lebih dahulu, Egi langsung terjun menukik dengan posisi badan lurus, kaki di atas dan tangan menjulur ke bawah membentuk piramid. Dari pertama kali lompat hingga ke permukaan air, posisinya tetap dalam keadaan menukik tanpa berubah sedikit pun. Nyaris sempurna, bak penerjun handal. Setelah beberapa detik di udara, byuuurrrr..., Egi pun mendarat ke dalam air dari ketinggian jembatan kurang lebih lima puluh meter itu.
Selanjutnya, dalam gabar itu terlihat Egi muncul di permukaan air dan berenang menuju ke tepian jembatan. Tak jauh dari tempatnya berenang di tepian, terlihat segerombolan orang yang sedang duduk-duduk santai. Video pun berakhir.

POSMETRO pun coba menelusuri keberadaan Egi untuk mencari tahu apa alasan yang mendorong ia melakukan aksi nekat itu, selain karena taruhan berupa motor. Dari seorang pria bernama Tri yang memberikan video itu, POSMETRO mendapat nomor hape seseorang yang katanya mengetahui tentang Egi. Namanya Deni. Namun, setelah dihubungi, tidak banyak yang Deni tahu. “Yang tahu persis tuh saudaranya temen saya yang kenal Egi, nanti saya carikan infonya,” kata Deni di ujung telepon.

Tapi, Deni memberi sedikit informasi. Dikatakannya, rekaman itu di buat sudah cukup lama dan Egi pernah adalah karyawan suatu perusahaan di Mukakuning. “Rekaman itu dibuat sekitar 2008, dulu Egi kerja di Mukakuning, di pete mana saya gak tahu. Yang saya tahu, terakhir dia kerja di Sat Nusa,” kata Deni memberikan informasi.

Yang menjadi taruhan adu nyali itu, kata Tri, adalah sebuah sepeda motor Yamaha Jupiter yang ada dalam rekaman. Setelah berhasil terjun dengan selamat, Egi memboyong motor taruhan yang dimenangkannya ke rumah. “Saya dengar-dengar sih memang begitu, motornya langsung dibawa pulang,” kata Tri. Dengan siapa Egi bertaruh, dan di mana Egi sekarang berada, masih dalam penelusuran POSMETRO.
(khafi ansari)

Hookers Caught Sabu Use

Nose orderan Belang Many, Whore forced to swallow pills Satan

Beautiful and great in bed, making a commercial sex worker (PSK) in the localization of Dolly named Cindy Iesa aka Elvira (34), received many visitors.

Because of excessive job, even Iesa overwhelmed. To be strong and fit, he was taking in sabu-sabu. New Iesa four months in the localization of the largest in Surabaya, was a prima donna.
However, Iesa effort to satisfy customers, lead to trouble for the citizens of Housing Pondok Mutiara Lestari, Bekasi, Jakarta. He then dealt with the police.
Iesa thrown into cells with Mapolsek Sawahan coworkers at the homestead, Robby Kristian (32) residents of East Jaya Putat.

"The two suspects arrested for having us and save sabu-sabu," said the AKP Sawahan Kapolsek Sih S Widodo told reporters in mapolsek, Jalan Tidar, Sunday (17 / 1).
Sih AKP Widodo said, the arrest of two suspects was started from information about the drug party at a home in Dolly.

Police then moved and raided the guesthouse Iesa room where he lived.
Police secure the mobile phone evidence, a set of suction devices, pipettes, and a package weighing 0.3 grams Sabu.
"Sabu was obtained from the suspect Tuwek. Now we are still developing this case, "he said.
Meanwhile, Cindy aka Elvira Iesa admitted working as a prostitute since last October 2009.

One child widow who had worked at a hotel as a house keeping in Bali. Charge USD 150 thousand per hour, Iesa become a prima donna and her guests since mulau served at 19.00 pm-03.00 AM in the morning. Iesa overnight can serve 5-6 guests a smooth operator.
"I used only three times this mas. I wear because they had to remove the tired-tired. Usually at 03.00 AM it was quiet, if there is another guest I took it, "said Iesa.

Iesa admitted he was always consumed with Robby. One package purchased for $ 200 thousand and sucked both their 5 times suck each package. "I can not commission. I just ordered and consumed together in his room, "said Robby. (int / dye)

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Jupe bugil, mabuk di diskotik ?

Jupe, why hobbi to make sense ...? Has not been completed cases feud with the babe, Angkasa Jaya or commonly called Aang. Now the woman who likes to show off her beauty, almost naked in a disco. Without a doubt, the Jupe weaving a sexy body. Ckk ckk.ckkkk ..!

Julia Perez wild action, of course, caused controversy. Many people assume that the action scene by Julia Perez because he was more upset because a lot of exposed many problems.

Julia Perez admitted that he did not excessive.
"I'm paid to do that show in discotheques. Costume selection problems like this so it is actually normal clothes so ya.

Perhaps because the pake Jupe so look fabulous. If problems politely say yes or no I pake dress in disco as well so why I do not matter. "Explained Julia Perez.

Julia Perez courage in dress making himself often a lot of job offers to fill an event. So no wonder if Jupe dared to be open when the center-opening event at the disco filled with professional reasons. And this sexy lady berparas dare to accept the consequences.

Jupe naked in disco

"Yes, his name an entertainer should be fun and should be able to really give a terdahsyat entertain possible.
Because I think one should be able to entertain the maximum. "Brightness.

Portrait of the life of Julia Perez was not as smooth as his career. Various sensations and problems that often arise in making his life journey that created her image became bolder side. Apart from all that dancing and clothing styles are almost naked Jupe is presumably not a good example given by a public figure
"Yes mau gimana lagi. This is Julia Perez "he said casually.

In Batam nurse raped in the cab yellow plate

Tema Batam: Honor a woman's call it the Rose, was forcibly taken away by two men who raped her in a yellow taxi plate moving between the bridge to bridge a four-Tema, Friday (16/10) night.
Roses were unable to defend his honor under the threat of brandishing a knife at her throat.

Rape is known at around 23:30 pm it, stirring the whole range of police in the city of Batam, after the rape of information disseminated through a special network of police radios. Dozens of brown-clad corps members who were picket that night, either in or in the police Poltabes-police immediately took to the streets to track the presence of dark green cab it.

Informed, that night was about to return to the Rose Batuaji. The girl was hailed a taxi in the area Mukakuning. When Rose up, in the cab were two men with the characteristics of a tall man and a black jacket. However, on the way, Rose was not revealed in Batuaji, but instead be brought to the Bridge Tema.

We arrived at Bridge Tema The reason, a principal began running his evil intentions with a knife pointed at Rose. Under the threat of a knife that Rose should be willing to lose his honor because taken forcibly.

Predictably, the perpetrator turns to rape Rose in the taxi drove up to the Fourth Bridge. Having satisfied the Rose rape, both actors directed toward Batuaji cab, and down in front of the SP Rose Plaza. The whole range of police members who receive the information directly to the streets to catch the perpetrators.

Visible Reskrim Poltabes Tema, Cristian Kompol Tory as confirmed confirmed the incident. "Yeah we're looking for the perpetrators," explained Tory short. (Les / chi / tjo)

sex menu ordered stale Singapore: SMP Rp.1.5 jt, 1jt high school, student Rp.800.000.- ,in Batam

Two girls were berparas ayu slumped in the armchair investigators and the Criminal Investigation Unit on the second floor Polsekta Lubukbaja headquarters, Friday (23/10) in the morning.
One of them was in tears, while others occasionally bowed his face with both feet together.

The two girls, Pu (16) and Fi (17).

Both virgin straight shoulder-length hair was taken Lubukbaja Polsekta operational team of Lovina Inn, Thursday (22/10) night. Officers initially received information that there was a football exploits of a woman who was mentioned named Desy, who allegedly likes to "sell" some body beauty school student. "At 316 rooms," said one source who leaked a room perpetrated in order.
To uncover the practice of "slime" is hidden, not the easy way. First officer took cover by pretending to be ordered from the Desy. Ironically, the tariff for quickie boking class students and coed value varies, seen also by age. The older the prices fall even more in the market.

Well, Posmetro search, before the operation, the mammy Desy will find new prey gede girl child (ABG) at the level of student and student. Furthermore, the mom quickly find a customer who is ready memboking, generally with a specific target of foreign entrepreneurs in tariff "well" per hour. From the information that bagged a source, it is known that the short-time was divided into three classifications, including; For junior slut aged 14-15 years, rates of Rp1, 5 million per hour. For a girl who still received his high school age 16-17 years, in bandrol Rp1 million per hour.

If the "chicken-campus" student alias that in fact still active college aged 18-19 years and over, rates can be even cheaper bokingnya starting from Rp800 thousand.
The menu of sex workers before the team bagged a fast-attack Lubukbaja Polsekta securing two victims who were still in high school are students aged 16-17 years, plus a woman who is named Desy said. "They're doing a transaction in return for a short time, the price boking one million rupiah per hour, there are also eight hundred thousand. Depending on age and education class, "beber a source.

Posmetro try to drill down to Lovina Inn. A clerk at the hotel receiptionist in the complex's Penuin Center, denied that on that afternoon in room 316 on the third floor there are guests who check-in for a short time. "The name Daisy was not there, and no room to use for a short time today," he explained earlier that day as he tells us that the short-time only served in the standard type rooms with tariff Rp85 thousand a maximum of three hours per room.

Related issue, the Chairman of the Anti-Trafficking Movement (GAT) Riau Islands, Rumangkang Syamsul, strongly condemned the persistence of the practice of "selling" students. "If there really secured suspects, not to escape the scrutiny," he said grimly. He considered, with a similar case is still rampant, does not get enough of GAT remind all elements of society together to fight it.
"Our generation has become a traded commodity, we hope that if proved the perpetrators must be punished severely, so that no deterrent effect. GAT will continue to monitor the trial process, "he said via a telephone, yesterday morning.

(votes uka Dinata)
Young girls, aged under 17 years old. No need virgin, if not invited to the room and quickie nge. With that criteria, the moldy Singapore dare to pay expensive. Of course, to get the order, moldy-moldy Singapore must be through an intermediary. Well, here's what dilakoni Desy Hidayati (21). The young mothers of these children claimed to have three times melakoni work as pimps, the girls search ABG moldy Singapore's orders. How could again, Desy even sell his own cousin.

On Thursday (21/10) night, deeds Desy terendus by police. To strengthen the evidence, members of Polsekta Lubukbaja Buser disguised as stale Singapore who want to taste the girl's body was still ripe. "This suspect had long so TO (target of operation) us," said Kapolsekta Lubukbaja, Ajun Commissioner Didik SIK Erfianto met in his office, Friday (23/10).

17 Years, No Need to Virgin
That night, Desy agreed to bring the two girls who are ready invited quickie nge. At a hotel in Baloi, Desy also came with Pu and Ni. Arrive at the hotel that the police action and secure the suspect Desy, while Pu and Ni are used as witnesses the victim. At the police station, confess Desy. Only problem selling Pu, a cousin of her husband's, she said loudly. "He (Pu) own the same guest asked me," said Desy. Request cousin he just could not gubris. Because often whine asked for stale, Desy was finally agreed. "The reason, he (Pu) need money," says Desy again.

Recognized Desy, this is the fourth since the action six months ago. Three times had he succeeded as the sweaty sex realtor Singapore. What he remembered, had to sell his guest for Ni at Rp1 million and 250 Singapore Dollars. As a commission, cut their Desy masng 200 thousand and 50 dollars as a service broker Singpura girls under the age of sexual adventure with this stale.

Experience as a sales sex, the experience begins Desy said a friend. Formerly, he had a friend who has a profession. "Because guests do not want to ask cariin with him, kept asking the same cariin were you," said the little woman. Since then Desy felt tips stale results from the money to pay for ABG-ABG is willing to date flash. In fact, the young mother had estimated a friend to sleep with my moldy, with rates 200 Singapore dollars. Only former pub singer was admitted to refuse it. "I've got a husband," she reasoned.

Despite not wanted to have a short time, but still undertakes Desy girls looking for dilego on ABG Singpura moldy. Moreover, now, young women who have children this year and a half admitted that he had separated from her husband. That is, he himself claimed to need money for the cost of everyday life. That's why, when he returned to 'job' from the police, disguised as a smooth operator, he would sell his own cousin.

Although separated from her husband, Desy still dismiss that also had dated Singpura moldy. He said, though needed money and himself, he remained adamant not want to serve stale Singapore. "It's my sex maniac," he said curtly.

Asked for Guest
Who really Pu? That girl is 16 years old student at a private high school who quit school Batam while sitting on a bench class I. Materially, his father who worked as security at a top hotel in Batam is felt quite able to pay for school. "He (Pu) stubborn, unwilling to another school. First time doing that relationship (sexual intercourse) with a boyfriend themselves, "said Desy revealed that his cousin was no longer a virgin.

Pu relationship with Desy relatively close. Described Desy, Pu is the father of the siblings-in-law.
Desy said, since dropping out of school, Pu was no longer living with his parents who live in the area Tiban. Sweet black girl with shoulder-length hair was a life cohabitation with her boyfriend who is also a region's unemployment Bengkong Authority. Because of urgency to pay contract, Pu finally asked to look for a smooth operator. "Previously, he nyari own," said Desy. Now, since the arrest Desy, Pu police eventually returned to her parents.

According However, Kanit Reskrim, Edy Inspektu Two Wiyanto, Desy whatever reason, now he can not dodge noose Nomo Act 21 of 2007 on the eradication of trafficking in persons, under penalty of up to 15 years in prison, also dijuntokan with Law No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection. (chi / sya)

Wild Video naked girls / women Mukakuning Batam

Batam: After the scene with a video masturbation using eels, Mukakuning surrounding residents are now excited with another girl shower video allegedly committed in one of the boarding house in Batuaji.

Video duration of four minutes and three seconds it showed the body of a naked girl in the shower.

Shoulder-length haired girl was allegedly less one factory worker in Mukakuning. Meanwhile, a friend who allegedly recorded a boardinghouse room or his friend who was also a girl and deliberately mischievous.

From the pictures in circulation, naked shower scene was recorded by using low-resolution video hape 3gp format. Not yet known for certain who spread the video girl shower. But what is clear now that the video was being hunted factory workers who want to make sure correct or not if a girl is their coworkers.

Intel visible Tema Poltabes Arief Bastari Commissioner explained, his department currently is being pelakukan investigation of the sources circulation pornographic videos that circulated from hepe to hape. "Moreover, circulating among students," he said. However, Arief did not want to talk at length about the investigation.

"Obviously we will always do the investigation for anything that happens in Batam, including the circulation of porn vodeo," he explained over the phone yesterday. (One)

Women Batam in Fuck a security guard, laid 100 times

The story of a girl named cover this Sukma, may have happened thousands of times in Batam. About a girl from far overseas who destroyed his future by deception men. But Sukma may be a few women who dare to express and report the story on the Forum of Women Nusantara (FPN) Riau Islands. Through institutions actively defend the interests of women with problems Posmetro is reunited with Sukma.

FPN at the office of the Housing Bidaayu, Sei drum, last weekend Sukma sad story to tell all the Posmetro. From the beginning the story until he was determined to report to FPN. From the days when courtship lovingly by Cyclone - a pseudonym, to the brutality of the DOI is often played at. Readers, here's the story Sukma:

Born 17 September 19 years ago, after he finished school in the School of Nursing Education (SPK) AKMIL, Magelang, Central Java, in mid-2007, Sukma and then migrated to the Batam in November of that year. Left alone to Batam, Sukma and then got work at a rice shop in Batumerah, Batuampar. Sukma was in the shop to meet with the Typhoon when it works as a security at the shipyard near the shop Sukma work.

''When I was still slim, my weight was 49 pounds (grams),''Sukma was trying to remember when I first met Typhoon. It turned out that in both the human heart is the same occurred to taste like. Typhoons and often come to the rented house in Cape Sengkuang Sukma. Through a barrage of SMS, Cyclone is also often said that flattery and flattery in Sukma.
"I really just love him, I've never had a boyfriend, let alone see him looking a mole made in the upper right cheek," this is the reason for his attraction to Sukma Cyclone. At that, he said, Hurricane flunky and Sukma confessed himself believe it.
Working at the diner, every day Hurricane took to meet with the Sukma. Long story short, they were officially dating. Until finally, the disaster took place in four months later. "I'm in love with him, until the day Wednesday, August 13, I tore the crown," Sukma said sheepishly. Yes, the day could not be forgotten that Sukma, Sukma virginity taken away by Cyclone.

Remember the true spirit of the day just before evening prayer, with Supra motor Hurricane Fitnya Sukma to home invites his colleagues in Housing Angel, Seibeduk. In the room measuring 3x3 meters, on two sheets of thin foam mattresses piled into one, they persuaded the devil whisper.
"He immediately open all of her clothes and began to play, do not wear safety (condom)," beber Sukma first story when he had intercourse. Even pain is expressed Sukma when Hurricane terhirau no longer on top. Repose in bed t-shirts that read "security," Sukma lost virgin.
Four days later, they returned repeated intercourse. This time they do elsewhere. "She was take to the beach at Sea Bengkong, where he ngelakuin standing up while I sat in the seat position motors," Sukma try to give the story details. Almost every chance Cyclone invite related agencies in several places. "The most frequently to the beach and her friend rented house, he was never stingy invited to the hotel," Sukma gibbon who claimed he was the often even spend money to fulfill their dating needs.

And so on, all they did have intercourse without a safety device. To anticipate in order not to become pregnant, Sukma confessed to family planning by way of injecting up to her now stretched. From 49 pounds during the first dating, now more than Sukma weight 65 pounds. "It's one and a half years, probably hundreds of times (have sex)," said Sukma again. Finally, they have intercourse on 3 January.

Guise Exposed
Clever-clever squirrel jumped, finally found out was also spotted Hurricane. An important information came to him. Information, that the Hurricane has children and wife. Flunky status in Sukma hidden for almost two years was uncovered. "I have given out a friend she said she already had children," he said.

At first, Sukma could not believe my colleague's speech. But, the truth came last. Sukma stress, but can not leave her lover. Soul can only cry in his heart. He chose silence rather than have to fight with the Typhoon. "I do not want ditinggalin him," he said.
So knowing unmasked exposed, Sukma see his girlfriend strangeness. Typhoons began angry when ditelpon Sukma. "I went to PT, instead he was angry, so when I call her time at home, he was threatening to lef me," he said.

Not only that she experienced pain, even Hurricane often a swing hand to the body Sukma. Even when his relationship with the Hurricane finally known the boss, Hurricane took out of the shop Sukma Sukma place for more than two years of work. "I was invited to staying at the hotel Batam Indah, because the two-month period yet, he ngasih laxative medicine because I have not worried about your period," he said.

During the stay at the hotel, they return to the relationship up to five times. Until finally after taking the medicine laxative, Sukma bleeding. when bleeding was Sukma then left on a contract in Bidaayu. But his affection continue to make Sukma not far from the typhoon. "Yesterday (Saturday) he was invited meeting up, but right to see even hit me," he said.

Typhoons hit him with a reason Sukma had dared to call the number hape Hurricane in the house. "I do not pengen to the police, but he continued to behave like that," he said.
Until now, Sukma confessed still confused over his relationship with the Typhoon. Going forward, he knew Hurricane status are no longer a bachelor. But if disconnected, Sukma confessed still very in love, first he has given everything he owned in Hurricane. Typhoon alone, according to Sukma had never dared to give clarity, even though he had fucked hundreds of times.

Sukma decision to involve the Forum on Women Nusantara problem, so that Typhoon can be firm about its status. Sukma wanted, FPN becomes the bridge of her love problem solvers with the Hurricane. (Tjo)