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In Batam nurse raped in the cab yellow plate

Tema Batam: Honor a woman's call it the Rose, was forcibly taken away by two men who raped her in a yellow taxi plate moving between the bridge to bridge a four-Tema, Friday (16/10) night.
Roses were unable to defend his honor under the threat of brandishing a knife at her throat.

Rape is known at around 23:30 pm it, stirring the whole range of police in the city of Batam, after the rape of information disseminated through a special network of police radios. Dozens of brown-clad corps members who were picket that night, either in or in the police Poltabes-police immediately took to the streets to track the presence of dark green cab it.

Informed, that night was about to return to the Rose Batuaji. The girl was hailed a taxi in the area Mukakuning. When Rose up, in the cab were two men with the characteristics of a tall man and a black jacket. However, on the way, Rose was not revealed in Batuaji, but instead be brought to the Bridge Tema.

We arrived at Bridge Tema The reason, a principal began running his evil intentions with a knife pointed at Rose. Under the threat of a knife that Rose should be willing to lose his honor because taken forcibly.

Predictably, the perpetrator turns to rape Rose in the taxi drove up to the Fourth Bridge. Having satisfied the Rose rape, both actors directed toward Batuaji cab, and down in front of the SP Rose Plaza. The whole range of police members who receive the information directly to the streets to catch the perpetrators.

Visible Reskrim Poltabes Tema, Cristian Kompol Tory as confirmed confirmed the incident. "Yeah we're looking for the perpetrators," explained Tory short. (Les / chi / tjo)

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