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Wife Incest with Other Men I Police Report Singpura stale

BATAMKOTA, METRO: Nine years of fostering households, it does not mean life partner DK (60) and NES (31) escaped from the tempest. Half the difference in age range, plus the presence DK often in Singapore, triggering shock family ark. NES, a woman from a legitimate Blitar married, allegedly having an affair with another man's dream (PIL) to have momongan. Really?
The scandal that surfaced after DK, sweaty from his country's Lee Kuan Yeow complain to the police, Saturday (16/11) afternoon.

DK who live in Housing addresses Greenland, Kelurahan Teluktering, came to the police station as proof of marriage certificate and pointed her philandering with another man. Then, in the ministry's police nan, DK unravel the history of the household.

Narrated DK, Thursday (22 / 1) in 2001, he and the NES was officially married in KUA Krembangan, Surabaya, then they settled in Greenland Housing, Batamkota. Then, on Wednesday (23 / 7) in 2003, DK bought a house in Batam Citra Complex in cash Phase I diatasnamakan wife, NES.

Monday (19 / 6) in 2006, DK develops investment by buying one unit of shophouse in Complex Greenland diatasnamakan wife, NES, by way of credit through banks and approved a famous notary in Batam. Well, a few years later, around January 2009, DK began to see a change in his wife. NES in the view show started being unfaithful behavior. Coupled with the many reports received by DK, who mentions NES often go out with another man.

However, the pouring side information about his football exploits, when it was ignored even DK. He could not believe when she dared to do so in the back, because DK confident with NES loyalty. However, the last few months NES known to often not return home, and DK had already tried to find out whereabouts. DK until heard, that his wife was at home with complex affair in Citra Batam.

Even a surprise anymore, NES is known to have had children from his relationship with a man's affair. To strengthen its complaint to the authorities, DK includes several witnesses, including a chairman of RT in complex images such Batam. And until the case is continuing to police, NES is still cited as the mistress's house. Now cases of alleged adultery had been handled Tema Poltabes apparatus. (You)
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