Jeng, yourself included oang who likes watching the match on television, so the match did not? Yes .. yes, the show's Take Me Out! Kalo iya, of course Jeng familiar with the name Ayu Oktasari? Yeah, he's a winner Take Me Out Indonesia 1! Jeng do you believe, if present, many circulating on the internet pictures of naked girls? Rumor sich
Oktasari Ayu is a former model-Esek Esek tabloids!
As the contest follow-up Reality Show looking for this match, Ayu sebenernya has a boyfriend. Therefore, potential in-law then asked what she meant former magazine model today.
Although already said kalo main reason is fun, but the prospective son-in-law insisted that split off from Ayu aka.
Finally, a lover who've been together 2.5 years had decided him.
"To be honest, at first I joined this because they want to go alone, for fun-appeal. No intention of looking for soul mate. Pas list, I still have a boyfriend, but he allows me to go. Not him, I met Mas Egi, "
"If he's a real guy, he should keep me. But instead he was willing to obey their parents. Yes, he's probably not the best for me, "so he says.
In the Grand Final Season 1 Indonesia TMO assessed by the jury Tika Bisono, vie Atmanegara, and Anwar Fuady, Egy-Ayu couple made the best pair, aka the best couple.
Jonah 33-year-old and Ayu 27-year-old won the Celebration of Love The Winner Take Me Out Indonesia held Thursday (3 / 12) in Central Sarbini, Plaza Semanggi, South Jakarta. They both take prize money USD 100 million and the prize package holiday to Bali, which could be a special gift for their wedding in mid-June 2010 was. (Tos / int)
Bisnis Ekonomi
16 years ago