Health food, this 21st century, made from animals that live on the seabed which is usually known in Indonesia with the title tripang. "Tripang that can be consumed and has a value of traditional medicine is the species Stichopus gamat gamat hermanii or gold," said Riche Distributor Jelli Gamat in Batam City.
This type of Gamat contains many nutrients such as protein, minerals, omega 3 and Bio Active Element. "Even in the history of Chinese traditional gamat has been used since 1000 years ago, because it can help overcome the complaint as wound healing, relieve pain in joints,".
Not only that gamat can also facilitate the circulation of blood and generally consumed as a special meal to maintain their health because assessed as sea ginseng. Gamat own Jelli is a product of PT Luxor. There are some substances contained in Jelli Gamat and desperately needed by the body.
One of them for 86.6 percent protein containing essential amino acids and non-essential that can help repair tissue and contribute new cells to form antibody to form enzymes and hormones in the body.
There was also the collagen is a protein substance in the 80 percent, which can improve the digestive system, keeping the stomach and helps the growth of skin tissue, muscle and bone. Not only that, collagen can also inhibit premature aging and skin memepercantik and increase body immunity.
Relieve stomach pain disorders, relieve joint pain. Stop the circulation in the hemorrhoid. Accelerate healing after surgery or childbirth. Improve skin texture is better and rubbery. Lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels and relieve asthma perderita.
"The price we offer for the size of Rp350 thousand 350 milliliters and 1000 milliliters of Rp460 thousand per bottle," he explained. This product also has a label from the body POM and halal certification from MUI Malaysia. So for you that Muslims should not hesitate to consume this product.
"Here we also provide services iridiologi. Namely the detection of disease through the eye and we give it for free, "explained owner Savatri Luxor stockis PT Batam.
Well for you who may be curious at the Komplek visiting Nagoya Stockisnya Newton Blok A No. 10 Nagoya and can call (0778) 7337982 or (0778) 7085800. (AMS)