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Women Batam hobbi with Black Tribal Tattoo, Safe and Quality

BATAM: Tattoo now no longer identical with the crime, but has become part of the art. Not only men, women did not hesitate to "strike" a smooth body with a variety of existing tattoo motifs. This is also what makes Black Tribal Tattoo in the BCS Mall 3rd floor City of Batam, the widened wings.

''We offer two types of tattoo. That tattoo tattoo temporary and permanent, "said Agus Tattoo Black Tribal employees to Posmetro. For these temporary tattoos can last up to two to three weeks, while the permanent tattoo can last a lifetime, he added.

Is available at his store thousands of patterns that can be chosen by the consumer. Starting from tribal, bio mechanics, abstract and thousands of other motifs can be selected in accordance with consumer tastes. "The motive of most of today's consumers prefer the Tribal. Moreover bule (foreigner). We are Chinese consumers, usually they like the tattoo dragon or fish, "he said again.

This smiling man said to make tattoo on someone's body is not easy. Many considerations that must be done. "To make a tattoo is not arbitrary. We must know the type of skin. Because the skin of different people there is a thin and thick. How to distinguish first hand pull the skin or the consumer, "he said.

This store also has a lot to get awards and certificates and tattoo contests. One of them was a champion II on tattoo contest in Indonesia.

Tattoo Tribal balck can also be found at Nagoya Hill. "All the tools that we have always placed on sterile equipment," he added
The ink used was imported from America and China. For the price, ranging from Rp20 thousand to millions. "To tattoo temporay start from Rp20 to Rp80 thousand thousand. Permanent, from Rp250 thousand until the infinite, "he explained.

In addition they also often get orders from companies that hold events. (AMS)
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