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Nova continued to testify in a murder trial director of PT Putra Rajawali Banjaran

Jakarta: Novarina made a surprise confession, the defendant's wife Wiliardi Wizar. Nova who testified in the murder trial continued Son Director of PT Rajawali Banjaran, Zilkarnaen Nasrudin, the defendant Antasari Azhar University in South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday (29/12) afternoon, confirmed her husband was forced to sign the minutes of the examination or the BAP is to trap the former chairman of the Commission Pemberantasai Corruption Commission (KPK) is. Not only that, he also claimed to see her husband is complicated.

Recognition Nova penah same Wiliardi disclosed earlier in the trial Antasari. At that time, the former chief of South Jakarta Police Resort is claimed is pressed pressed Hadiatmoko Inspector General of Police and Police Brigadier General Iriawan Dahlan as a BAP.

Hadiatmoko, which is currently Chief expert staff, when it served as deputy chief of Criminal Investigation Body and the Police Headquarters. While Iriawan then became Director of the General Criminal Investigation Polda Metro Jaya [read: Wiliardi: Detention Antasari conditioned police officer].

The testimony contradicted Wiliardi Police Chief Gen Bambang Hendarso Danuri. "Nothing emphasis. Let the people judge. Pemeriksanya lower rank than the accused," said Chief of Police [read: Chief: We're Not Pressing Wiliardi].

Meanwhile, at almost the same court also held follow-up to other defendants, namely Sigid Haryo Wibisono, Jerry Hermawan Lo, and Wiliardi Wizar. Agengda trial hearing witnesses. (Bog)

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