"One of the modus operandi of trafficking and sexual exploitation is by sending workers abroad," said Agung Laksono in Jakarta, Wednesday (30/12/2009).
It is said the Great, women and children are the group most victimized by the various modus operandi. In fact, nearly half of the placement of workers indicated a strong case for not trading through a secure immigration mechanisms. According to former House Speaker, the victim was not traded solely for the purpose of exploitation of prostitution, but in other forms such as forced labor or slavery.
Responding to that, the government had resolved to combat crime of trafficking in persons and sexual exploitation of children because of the impact of crimes against humanity can be women as mothers and children as the nation's next generation.
"Thus, the central and local governments in accordance with the duties and functions of each trying to promote, uphold, fulfill and protect the rights of its citizens, especially women and children," he said. Agung said the government is attempting to be able to provide adequate food, education, health, and safety for mother and child.
Data Agency Criminal Investigation Police records, cases of trafficking during the last five years as many as 607 cases involving 857 perpetrators of adult men and victims as much as 1570 people (76.4 percent) and 485 (23.6 percent) children.