Presiding judge Artur Hangewa, Tuesday, December 29, 2009, states Prita not guilty in the case of RS feud with Omni International.
Prita repeatedly wearing a black and white scarf and white dress wiped tears from her cheeks.
Prita was convicted of distribution of electronic documents and the contempt charge defamation against two doctors and a hospital Omni.
According to prosecutors, sending electronic mail to 20 email addresses Prita friend, is proof of a violation of Article 27 paragraph (3) jo Article 45 paragraph 1 of Act No. 11 of 2008 on the ITE and defamation.
Prita charged guilty and must pay compensation of material and immaterial to the plaintiff I, II, and III worth Rp 204 million.
Material loss to the Omni Hospital of Rp 164 million. Immaterial losses of Rp 40 million. PT Sarana International Mediatama as a plaintiff I Rp 20 million, as the plaintiff Hengky II Rp 10 million, and Grace as the plaintiff III Rp 10 million.