He explained, for the replacement of a credit card to swallow the cost of 25 to 30 U.S. cents. As for the number of cards in circulation that have been using a credit card card reached 10,221,154.
"If for a rough calculation of replacement cards 25-30 cents per U.S. dollar, so for 9-10 million cards takes about 7 million U.S. dollars," said Steve.
Known, Bank Indonesia Regulation stipulates that from 1 January 2010 all credit cards must use the chip. According to Steve, the current banking credit card issuer has prepared implementing regulations. Bank Indonesia itself calls, currently about 99.6 percent recorded credit card has been using chips. "The plan is long enough from 2005, so now almost all ready," he said.
A number of merchant credit card has also been prepared for the use of chip-based credit card was. In fact, employees who served in the merchant checkout section has been specially trained to use tools to read the credit card (electronic data capture / EDC). If the previous EDC swiped, now using chip-based credit card will be turned into in-dip (included as an ATM). "For his EDC is now almost entirely replaced," he said.